Property Inspections & Inventory

What is a Check Out Report for?

Whilst a property is tenanted a number of property inspections will be conducted at regular intervals. A check out report essentially allows the landlord to see the condition of the property and any contents once the tenants have moved out. It can then be compared to the Check In report to see if there are any major differences in the condition of the property.

A Check Out property inspection report is solely used to see what level (if any) of deterioration has happened to the property and any contents that may also belong to the landlord. In a perfect world, both the Check In and the Check Out report should be carried out by the same person in order to account for fairness.

What do check out property inspections entail?

The inspection of the property, inventory check and report is completed to establish the difference in the properties condition before the tenants move in and to the condition they leave it in.

The main objective of the inspection is to capture a detailed description of each room, starting from the main entrance and making the way into the property. The inventory report will pick up on items such as the appliance make and model (to make sure they’re the same one). Plus, the condition of the paint/walls in each room and any stains on the carpets or furniture to name but a few.

What does our check out report include?

There are various reports that can be produced. Cardwells Letting Agents can conduct an Expert Witness survey when your tenant vacates. This would be a photographic and descriptive detailed report including 100 plus photographs and would itemise any damage to the interior or exterior of the rental property. Additionally, we report on the cleanliness of the property including carpets, appliances, etc. A detailed video will also be supplied to support the photographs.

This report is essential, along with the tenant check in report if you need to claim any monies from the deposit.  The cost of this would be £150.00 (£125.00 plus VAT) should the unfortunate instance arrive whereby the deposit goes into dispute. For example, your tenant does not agree amicably to release part/all of their deposit to you for damages, cleaning etc.

Then you will need a Statutory Declaration signed by a Solicitor. Our letting agents can arrange this for you at a cost of £120.00 (£100.00 plus VAT). Our letting agents will also attend court on your behalf, the cost for this would be £90.00 (£75.00 + vat) per hour.

We understand that property inspections and both Check In and Check Out Reports are something that takes time and effort to carry out correctly and, that many landlords simply don’t have the time to spare when it comes to carry out tasks like this. That’s why our lettings agents are here to work on behalf of local landlords.

Property Inspections