Data claiming town centre is worst place to buy a home is ‘skewed’ says council

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  • Data claiming town centre is worst place to buy a home is ‘skewed’ says council

NEW research claiming Bolton is the “worst place to have bought a house this century” has been criticised.

Estate agent revealed that the centre of Bolton is the only location in England and Wales that has seen a decrease in the average property value.

In 2000 the average house price in the centre of Bolton was £77,202, but is now at £70,621 – calculated as a nine percent drop.

The areas covered in the research include Burnden, Great Lever, Bolton Town Centre and The Haulgh.

However Bolton Council said the data is “skewed” and that 42 out of 43 areas in Bolton have in fact seen an increase.

A council spokesman said: “The way this data is presented is skewed. 16 of the areas actually saw prices grow at a faster pace than the average across England and Wales.

“Town centre accommodation is focussed on meeting specific needs and requirements and is made up of largely student housing and affordable/social housing. This is mainly flats and both of these types of properties are marketed below market value to attract investors and to meet housing need.

“Lower house prices are not unique to Bolton – prices are generally lower across the north and comparing Bolton prices to a national average that includes London and the South East contributes to skewing the data.”

A Bolton town centre estate agent also agreed that the research “does not put the situation in a true context”.

Andrew Cardwell of Cardwell’s Estate Agents, in Institute Street, Bolton said: “Bolton as a whole is performing very well.

“Within the 15 years that this research includes the Town Centre of Bolton has changed a great deal, first and foremost there is now a much greater supply of residential property in the area, and the town centre itself is going through some major improvements, particularly to the transport interchange and the Market Place, which will no doubt help make the town centre more desirable.

“In fact, it could be argued that there is in fact excellent growth potential for properties in the town centre.”

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