Garden Fences & Boundary Disputes

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You may think this is a strange topic for an article, but lots of homeowners in Bury, Bolton, Walkden and all over Greater Manchester are unaware of the laws surrounding garden fences (sorry for the terrible pun!). Perhaps oblivious until they find themselves embroiled in a frustrating, and possibly costly, boundary dispute. Or alternatively perhaps when their property sale is progressing and it can cause a hiccup during the conveyancing process. Hopefully here you’ll find some helpful advice to stay well-informed about your property rights and obligations.

Establishing Fence Ownership

When trying to determine which fence is yours, the best place to begin is your deeds. You’ll find a scale plan of your property highlighting your boundary lines with a T-mark (a symbol that looks like the letter “T”) to represent the wall or fence ownership.

Sometimes, adjacent properties have joint ownership over a fence or wall (referred to commonly as a party fence or wall). If that is the case, you’ll see two T symbols joined together making an H-mark (which looks like an elongated letter “H”). Virtually every modern property deed will have clear markings for boundary ownership, but if you’re living in one of the older properties in Bury, you may find that the boundaries are less obvious. In such cases, something known as “presumptions” will come into play. It is presumed that fence posts are placed on the land belonging to the owner of the fence so the rear of the fence which has the posts showing will face their property. Although it has been traditionally believed that you own the fence on the left-hand side of your property, you can’t guarantee that will always be the case.

Who Takes Responsibility For Garden Fence Maintenance?

As you’d expect, the owner of the fence will usually be responsible for fence maintenance, while party fences and walls are both neighbours’ joint responsibility to maintain. It can get a little confusing if the deeds don’t indicate ownership clearly, or if they include covenants relating to the repair of the wall or fence in question.

Am I Legally Allowed To Force My Neighbour To Make Repairs To The Fence?

There are no laws that require anyone to repair fences, even when they’re in extremely poor condition, so essentially, you can’t legally force your neighbour to carry out repairs. You may find it best to leave the fence in place and simply erect another for yourself on your own land in such a situation.

What Do I Need To Know If I’m Erecting A Fence?

If the property deeds indicate that a fence is your responsibility, then you are responsible for erecting a new fence. If it is a party fence, both neighbours must take responsibility. A garden fence height may be determined by Bury Council, Bolton Council or the appropriate local authority, but in most cases, it must be no more than 2 metres high to be permitted with no planning permission required. If the property is a listed building, planning permission will probably be needed, as will any fence that is over 1m in height and adjoining a public road. Restrictions will typically apply to any property with a front open to public paths or highways. Therefore, consulting with the local authority (Bolton, Bury etc) before commencing work is a good idea.

I hope that is useful, sometimes being armed with a little knowledge can avoid a situation escalating. If you are thinking of selling or letting out a property in Bury, Bolton or anywhere else in Greater Manchester  then please give my colleagues or I a call on 01617611215 / 01204381281 or 01617943434 or perhaps call in an see us at our Bury Town Centre office on Market Street, open seven days a week or Bolton town centre.




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